Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Malaysia shopping

Woohoo the mercury iphone covers I ordered finally arrived!! :)
Went Malaysia for another short shopping trip with mummy and bro. As usual, we ate a lot hahaha.
Ohyeah block tests finally ended! Time to be back on school mode.

Monday, March 26, 2012


Went town with SX last Friday. It had been ages since we went to town and went for a date! Woohoo. (:
Pastamania and John Carter at Cineleisure. Then walked to Dhoby Ghaut! Such an awesome night spent!
Just wanna tell SX, thanks for everything. <3 And Imh right nowwww. ):

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Such a happy day! Block tests ended and had really a wonderful day today. Went Bottle Tree Park for prawning with 1122 girls and watch The Hunger Game afterwards! Had a fun time catching prawns and for most of us, it was out first time prawning. We were screaming in the first 20 minutes because we were scared of the prawns! Haha.

SX gave me a surprise today which made me feel blessed. Thanks for the efforts put in to maintain this relationship. <3

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Mushi mushi

Unlike secondary school days where we had 2 weeks of examinations, JC only has 3 days in exact. But two papers on the same day, ohmygod... Had maths and chem paper on the same day and....... I gave up chem for maths and now I'm not sure if I'm able to pass maths. Hahaha whatever. Oh and only when the exams are over, I have the urge to study. That's weird.

Tomorrow is my last paper- physics. Then maybe go out to chill. Then practice maths at night? I think I shall focus on the 3 H2 subjects first before I really study for econs, which I really have no interest in... Really glad I dropped it to H1.

On Friday, probably rest at home and study maths again. Or go out with my mum if she wants. Then Saturday will be a really busy day for me. Volunteer work, give tuition and picnic at marina barrage with SX! Woohoo!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Flower ring

He made and gave me this. Small but sincere gift. (:

Happy 18th Birthday Weijia!

Weijia's birthday was on 17 March. We met up on 13 March to celebrate. As usual, there are 5 of us (Jiayun didn't come) plus her student council friends which they were supposed to surprise Weijia!
We had an early dinner at Astons then we went Teo Heng to sing K! The arrival of Yiling and others with the cake afterwards!
Wanted to sabotage Weijia but... failed. Oh and there was this man from Teo Heng, he was trying to be funny while helping us to take group photos. In the end no proper group photos taken zzz.

Went for supper afterwards! Really had an enjoyable day with them!

Hope this girl enjoy the days being 18! Don't mug too much, live life. I know A levels are important but you are only 18 once in a life's time! Hope our 10 years of friendship lasts!